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Olympus E-PL1 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 03-Feb-2010
Megapixels: 12.3
Random Olympus E-PL1 Samples from 15028 available Photos more
g1/69/2469/3/127890060.Oz2TPhQq.jpg g1/69/2469/3/130527859.Yv7IxqMZ.jpg g3/64/336364/3/124634877.zrY8m7qJ.jpg g1/69/649869/3/126905913.Qz6WBFmU.jpg
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Tom LeRoy04-Oct-2013 16:41
It's got a great sensor with a very light AA filter. Just love this thing!
Barri Olson20-Mar-2011 03:19
I'm having lots of fun with this little camera. It's enabled me to use my old (and excellent) Minolta Rokkor manual focus lenses for the price of a 30 USD adapter, the kit lens 14-42 is way better and and sharper than many reviews would have a person believe. The downsides are that to shoot outside you need the excellent VF-2 viewfinder (expensive) to see anything in the sunlight, or to precisely manual focus, and the kit lens is not exactly a speed demon in auto focusing. Bulb exposure is very problematical since no cable/remote release is provided for. Some of the other MFT lenses available like the Panasonic 20mm F1.7 are very good from what I've heard and samples seen and I hope to get one. More lenses are forthcoming from other manufacturers also. The camera's imaging capability seems very good and although I've shot in RAW for a long time, I've been shooting this one in jpg. since the jpgs seem that good to my eye. This tiny camera with an SLR sized sensor has reinvigorated my interest in photography.
Jackdad05-Mar-2011 11:23
I wouldn't describe this camera as better than a $10k DSLR, but it produces very decent results and is fun and unobtrusive to use.
Guest 22-Oct-2010 16:25
This is the best camera for its JPEG Camera ever ! The results are better than 10.000$ DSLR. it is micro 4/3 where there is no mirror. So it is actually DSL : ) advantage is that very small but big picture quality and you can use many old lens with it. Disadvantage is that ISO and speed is not as at big boys and dont have separate buttons for manual use. But.. it is 500 $ : ) so, for that money you buy best camera that can money buy till today.
Guest 13-Oct-2010 15:50
my gallery :
Mark E12-Oct-2010 02:34
The most fun I've ever had with a camera :-) After many years of Nikons ...

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