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Olympus E-300 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 27-Sep-2004
Megapixels: 8
Random Olympus E-300 Samples from 32597 available Photos more
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Assaf Peretz07-Oct-2006 08:34
i use this camera at work for more then a year (i'm an archeologist). the lenses are wonderful (especially the ZD11-22 and 50mm F2). the strong budy and the dust reduction system are proven to be wonderful. comparing to my e-500 she's falling behind but even after about 10,000 shots i'm still enjoying using her.

Guest 16-Aug-2006 08:11
im using this carema for almost 2 years now.. no problem encountered... only expensive lenses :)

heres my sample pictures using this camera..
Guest 03-Oct-2005 17:48
I purchased my E-300 in May, 2005 and have taken 2000+ pictures. I've had SLR film cameras before and was an adequate weekend photographer. I learn something every day with the E-300. The pictures are not all keepers, but it isn't the camera that is to blame. The addition of a Sigma 40mm. to 150 mm. lens has made the camera that much more fun.
Rob Davies18-Aug-2005 19:45
Interesting comment. I shoot wildlife with the E300, and have no problem with focusing speed. The battery grip adds nicely to camera balance, and focusing speed. You get what you pay for with the glass.
Yemeni Photographer16-Aug-2005 19:43
Nice camera and good bargain with the two kit lenses... wish it had faster focus and more affordable lenses.

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