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Olympus E-3 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 16-Oct-2007
Megapixels: 10
Random Olympus E-3 Samples from 62633 available Photos more
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g4/11/727111/3/91779539.6l1moGvq.jpg g9/27/479327/3/157052834.ZhuDxP49.jpg g4/04/369504/3/136490472.FPcj3pyo.jpg g3/72/569772/3/124276615.prsBzKyV.jpg
g1/08/603408/3/129883219.QuITb3ex.jpg g3/33/839633/3/123323430.BuijWY37.jpg g4/75/639475/3/91239548.iqTQYNeO.jpg g3/83/11183/3/95115647.bKVvWZ3F.jpg

Dave Perez09-Mar-2009 23:45
I just received my E-3 today....... I finally took the leap to a pro level camera.
I couldn't be happier with the results so far. This is the best camera I have ever owned.

Years ago I spent several thousand dollars on Nikon 35mm gear and I was never as happy as I am with my current system. I own an E-510, an E-3 and several four-thirds lenses that work with either body. Thank you Olympus!

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