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All Cameras >> Olympus >> Olympus C-765 UZ

Olympus C-765 UZ Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 12-Feb-2004
Megapixels: 4
Random Olympus C-765 UZ Samples from 14126 available Photos more
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rollosphotos20-Aug-2008 20:37
I purchased my camera new in 2005 for $265.00. This compact camera is suitable for an experienced or inexperienced photographer. It has many settings to choose from and it does a fantastic job when set to auto. Without a doubt this camera is the best I’ve owned. The large sensor and low ISO 64 setting allows for excellent detailed macro photography and this camera performs well in low light situations. Very little knowledge of digital cameras is required to use it. At its highest resolution, a 4MP photo can be enlarged to 20x30 with almost no loss of detail. The drawback is speed. Shots must be anticipated because of shutter delay. Compared to new technology this camera is extremely slow. Still a terrific camera for the money, worth every cent, I highly recommend it if you can pick one up used. You might find one for around $100.
Guest 30-Sep-2005 17:48
these things take excellent photos for what they are
Guest 10-Sep-2005 11:55
Gr8 to such wonderful photos
Guest 23-Jan-2005 19:26
very nice!!

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