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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.4G

Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.4G Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 22-Sep-2008
Lens Mount: AF-S
Random Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.4G Samples from 1923 available Photos more
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boliston26-Dec-2010 22:16
This is THE lens to go with the D700 - prefer it to the older AF-D lens
Guest 02-Feb-2009 09:15
I have it this lens few days & I love it on my D3!
Devilgorgor19-Jan-2009 15:14
less sharp,especially when used wide open
shahoff18-Jan-2009 02:16
A little bit photos with D700 & 50mm 1.4 AF-S in my gallery
shahoff18-Jan-2009 02:16
A little bit photos with D700 & 50mm 1.4 AF-S in my gallery
shahoff18-Jan-2009 02:15
A little bit photos with D700 & 50mm 1.4 AF-S in my gallery
Guest 15-Jan-2009 02:01
Is not my best lens but a great lens just get it
DaRrEn ThE10-Jan-2009 14:14
One of the best low light sharp lens

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