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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G AF-S DX

Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G AF-S DX Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 09-Feb-2009
Lens Mount: AI
Random Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G AF-S DX Samples from 2967 available Photos more
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photoholzkamp20-Oct-2011 19:33
With DX-camera (D80) it's THE classical focal length. It's my everyday lens and it took me back to the roots when I started with a Praktika and a 50/1.7 lens. It makes me more creative again, I like the bokeh and it's really sharp and contrasty. Esp. in autumn it's fun outside. It's a real bargain!
Guest 04-Feb-2011 22:00
This lens is so good and sharp that I have to turn camera sharpess down to avoid some aliasing artifacts! (Nikon D300...).

F1.8 is already good (little corner softness and "coma"), F2.8 is so sharp I can't believe it... (looks like f8 on other lenses!)

I paid it only 200 Euros... a REAL bargain!

Michele20-Dec-2010 16:56
If you shot with a DX nikon camera, and have some bucks in your pocket...what the hell are you waiting for!! This is the first lens, it works on a 50-like focal on DX sensors, and this is great for almost any use.It's cheap and take impressive images. fast silent focus, good contrast and 1.8f....what else?
Oh yes, Nikkor 50mm 1.8f d is (in my opinion) a little more appropriate for portraits, and is as sharp as 35mm, and is cheaper than 35 mm dx. If you want to make the big deal, put those lenses, one crappy 18-200 or 18-100 zoom, and you're ok for long years ;)
Michele20-Dec-2010 11:30
If you shot with a DX nikon camera, and have some bucks in your pocket...what the hell are you waiting for!! This is the first lens, it works on a 50-like focal on DX sensors, and this is great for almost any use.It's cheap and take impressive images. fast silent focus, good contrast and 1.8f....what else?
Oh yes, Nikkor 50mm 1.8f d is (in my opinion) a little more appropriate for portraits, and is as sharp as 35mm, and is cheaper than 35 mm dx. If you want to make the big deal, put those lenses, one crappy 18-200 or 18-100 zoom, and you're ok for long years ;)
Michele20-Dec-2010 03:10
If you shot with a DX nikon camera, and have some bucks in your pocket...what the hell are you waiting for!! This is the first lens, it works on a 50-like focal on DX sensors, and this is great for almost any use.It's cheap and take impressive images. fast silent focus, good contrast and 1.8f....what else?
Oh yes, Nikkor 50mm 1.8f d is (in my opinion) a little more appropriate for portraits, and is as sharp as 35mm, and is cheaper than 35 mm dx. If you want to make the big deal, put those lenses, one crappy 18-200 or 18-100 zoom, and you're ok for long years ;)
philbourgeois11-Oct-2009 08:43
One more comment....For some reason I find monotone pictures look GREAT with this lens!
philbourgeois11-Oct-2009 00:53
Just bought mine and am very happy with it. For the price it can't be beat. I will echo David and say that it is so nice to have a prime for a DX camera! So many people seemed to want to beat up on this lens because it was not FX. Well, I thank Nikkor for coming out with it. I can see it will be spending a lot of time on my D300. One note, most reviewers mentioned CA being a problem. With the D300 and using simply doesn't exist! Yes, there is light fall off when it is wide open...but tell me about a sub $1000.00 lens that does not have it! Most consumer grade lens have light fall off in spades when they are wide open...and how many go to f1.8?

Love this lens and highly reccomend it!
Guest 19-May-2009 23:43
Howard Sandler16-May-2009 00:52
I'll be adding to this gallery as I do more evaluation of mine:
David Henry20-Mar-2009 01:27
This is a great little lens. I have only had it a week as I post this, but I can see I will be using it a lot. It is great to have a normal prime AF-S for DX. Most of the reviews are right on. It is not "perfect", but for the price, you can not go wrong. I am VERY happy with it. I have been using it on a D90 and a D40 and it is great on both. Some shots are in here:
Or a direct to some:

It was just the lens I was looking for.

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