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Nikon D7000 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 15-Sep-2010
Megapixels: 16.2
Random Nikon D7000 Samples from 262405 available Photos more
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Guest 17-Oct-2012 15:03
What's the point in posting messages like "very bad camera" or "awesome"! Could we be a tad more specific as to what the problem is/was? Although it might also be the case that 'any' camera no matter how 'great' it may be will be useless in the hands of a moron!
John King10-Jul-2012 10:43
This is a very good camera with superb dynamic range and high ISO performance. Here is an example of ISO 3200
Guest 13-Mar-2012 11:07
I have this camera as well as a D700. I wanted it as much for the HD video capability as for stills. Overall I love this camera. I get great results from it. Perhaps the high ISO noise does not match that of the D700 but you wouldn't expect it to. Still very nice all the same. HD video is great. I have been using Nikon DSLR's for a while starting off with the D70, then D200 and I am very happy with there ergonomics and quality. Here are some recent examples:
Photodelles26-Oct-2011 10:59
Very bad camera, I sold it six months after purchase. I took my D80!
Pieter Uys Photography25-Sep-2011 09:17
Was happy with my D80 until I got my D7000. It's in a different league. It needs good glass though as inferior lenses show their weakness immediately. The D80 was more forgiving.
ThomasH06-Sep-2011 18:00
One have to admire the results. I prefer this camera over EOS-7D completely, but the controls are just so atrocious!

This top left side contraption, a mix of the mode-setup wheel from the bottom-of-the-line models and the under-wheel coming back to F100 and F5 through D300 is simply... how to put it? ...bad, senseless. It is bulky, expensive in terms of many parts, and totally useless. For example, in order to use the remote control one have to turn the under-wheel into the specific position. Forget the turn it back, and you wonder "what happened, why the camera does not take the image? The motive is gone, maybe its defective, lets power down and up. No dice. Lets remove the lens and put it back. No dice, lets call Nikon customer support, my camera is broken!! Oh, wait a moment! The under-wheel points to "remote", may its the reason... Yes, hurray, problem resolved." Just the motive is long, long gone, dummy photographer, better luck next time.

How often we have to repeat to Nikon: The optimal controls were with F90/N90. Its the left side button and wheel combination. Easy, reliable, universal, resistant against accidental changes, usable in the darkness, usable with gloves in cold climate. Why to meddle with the winning concept?

My list of complaints about D7000 contains 11 such topics, but as I said, one have to admire the results! High ISO capability is excellent, resolution of 16.x Mpix just right, and the camera does not have the low-ISO noise, which plagues the EOS 18Mpix sensor, e.g. in EOS-7D. Even the price is right, but the implementation of the controls and their concept does not make me trust in the skills and brains of Nikon's design teams.
Guest 01-Jun-2011 09:28
Fantastic camera with great IQ upto ISO 6400! The only downside is the metering and skintones are not as good as my D200.
Aldo Artoko31-May-2011 12:19
Really satisfied with my D7000. Top Class Pro-sumer DSLR
Todd14-Apr-2011 20:33
Hmmmmm, (many) images like this one have kept me from upgrading to the D7000. I just expect more from this camera I guess. Viewed at original quality.

Note** excellent album & photography ** :)
markd51428-Mar-2011 02:39
To Robert Olson. Hmmmm I took the d7000 out alongside of a d700 and canon 5d. This clearly took better photos. Listen up folks, do not believe that post! Even enlarged, it looks great! Do not believe that you need a full frame sensor-it is nonsense.
john dahlstet29-Jan-2011 23:01
Why are there only 594 photos available from this camera so many months after its introduction?
joechaos19-Dec-2010 08:22
Soon to be legendary. The image quality is beyond unbelievable. A great camera that take amazing photos. If you wonder if your should upgrade from the D90, the simple answer is yes.
Alfred Arzt02-Dec-2010 16:12
I am using the D7000 now for 3 weeks. The camera is really great. AF works brilliant, DR is excellent, it is fast enough and high iso is nearly as good as D700.

It is small and lightweighted and although some 36x24 mm sensor cameras are really awesome for some kind of shootings there is an advantage of APS-C sensor cameras. I like the longer reach of telephoto lenses compared to a 36x24 mm sensor camera.

Robert Olson28-Nov-2010 23:43
After shooting hundreds of Pictures with The D7000 great little Camera. it's loaded with all kinds of Featured toys, But be warned the picture quality is absolutely nothing like the Nikon D700 or The original Canon 5D.
Guest 28-Nov-2010 21:57
I was about to buy the D300s until I saw Nikon Rumors on the D7000. So I waited for reviews but they were slow in coming and I really liked the 6 FPS and the new Expeed processor so I ordered one from a local store here. So far I have to say that I love this camera! It's great for my surf photography without breaking the bank. And at 16mp I can crop without too much loss in quality. Coupled with prime lenses it gets excellent photos.Nikon 300mm F4,Sigma 105&90mm F2.8 lenses
Here are some samples: &

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