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Nikon D3S SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

g5/87/331787/3/119067387.GrLdv64Q.jpgg5/87/331787/3/119067389.plBT0pLh.jpgg5/87/331787/3/119067390.XXew15ym.jpgg5/87/331787/3/119067392.FAM0SeYj.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 14-Oct-2009
Megapixels: 12.1
Random Nikon D3S Samples from 143520 available Photos more
g9/27/288327/3/163797785.2R2dJc2k.jpg g4/03/746403/3/139295667.xnszuQ3T.jpg g9/95/445195/3/159983057.oPEAfH36.jpg g9/95/445195/3/160393168.YjNSjgVr.jpg
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g9/95/445195/3/159995409.xKBvyjQG.jpg g9/98/757698/3/155855419.zXISlnLj.jpg g2/79/957579/3/146991422.pyoGiVNk.jpg g1/68/668268/3/146240633.vmETGK0G.jpg

M4208-Sep-2011 20:58
Now we know what the "D" stands for.
Guest 31-Jul-2011 16:10
How about this. Buy your own D3s..And shoot your own photos & post them!! Good idea, eh?
roger fournier17-Apr-2011 15:08
Random must be the dog's name :-)
Guest 16-Feb-2011 04:27
Can you use this camera for anything other than dog shows?
lightfocus12-Oct-2010 08:13
be great if the user could untag their photos of 20 million bloody dog photos so people could actually see different uses with this camera other than a dog show!!!!
Guest 03-Apr-2010 18:18
This camera is pretty amazing !
Chris White22-Feb-2010 03:43
The D3s is fantastic for pretty much any type of photography. I just made the switch recently, and am thrilled with the ergonomics, performance, and build of the camera body. All of the important functionality is accessible from switches and buttons on the body, which makes digging through layers of menus unnecessary. The auto-focus performance is another area where the Nikon D3s shines - the 51 point 3D tracking mode works great, and is really helpful in nailing sports and action shots.
DaRrEn ThE20-Dec-2009 10:42
Low Light King, Best Tech

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