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Nikon Coolpix 8700 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 28-Jan-2004
Megapixels: 8
Random Nikon Coolpix 8700 Samples from 45856 available Photos more
u43/xl1ken/medium/33520578.Twilight0410loDSCN2559.jpg u13/xl1ken/medium/41633425.DelMar0503loDSCN0472copy.jpg u41/xl1ken/medium/33475064.ldc0401loDSCN2749.jpg g4/26/12626/3/61650620.DLuPLuMo.jpg
u43/xl1ken/medium/28283360.DSCN3317.jpg g3/26/12626/3/58366763.hbbc0602loDSCN5369.jpg g3/11/382111/3/57606382.05MihrbaltarandMinbarpulpit87003287.jpg g6/11/382111/3/69502563.seOdXBn4.jpg
u41/xl1ken/medium/33478014.ldc0403loDSCN3468.jpg g5/34/26134/3/99413999.g3cVJvS2.jpg g3/35/385235/3/111437648.s9hUTawn.jpg g6/69/756269/3/75357365.2YUKnSlb.jpg

Guest 09-Aug-2007 03:03
I've enjoyed using the 8700 for the past two years. I wanted something smaller than the string of 35mm film Nikons I'd used for the past 30 years. I've adjusted to everything about the camera size except for the important buttons on the left side of the camera. I constanly hit them, especially the flash control and picture size buttons. Easy to use manual exposure settings are a huge plus. Good solid camera. for some samples
Jayson Gomes13-Nov-2006 04:01
Hey what do you know, another Nikon gallery taken up by those cars.
ale6507-Oct-2006 07:39
4/5 cars per page, is very veru very boring and i think is boting the photographer too
Jack Bieser29-Sep-2006 23:02
Tired of Cars? Go to my Beach............
Guest 14-May-2005 15:37
too many cars
Ken Leonard07-Dec-2004 06:45
Why? That's what I do! O.K. I have some great photos of nauture and all things SoCal as well. Go here and check out all of my 8700 shots: (PBase)

Ken Leonard
Guest 03-Dec-2004 01:09
Yeah.. he sure likes his classic cars, probably +50% of 8700 images are his cars..
Susan T21-Nov-2004 02:55
Get rid of those darn cars............geeez!!!

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