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Nikon Coolpix 990 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 27-Jan-2000
Megapixels: 3.34
Random Nikon Coolpix 990 Samples from 11848 available Photos more
u20/jbearcat/medium/12978021.800DSCN0662sm.jpg u35/bauer/medium/23237394.Grieche227.jpg u7/cowsgomoo/medium/1042991.DSCN6407.jpg g3/97/316997/3/57665577.proofsDSCN4328.jpg
g1/06/266606/3/93826166.9iZrRhjh.jpg u10/sjackson/medium/2236412.17032.jpg g4/89/198889/3/60263814.DSCN0895Bridgette3yrsold.jpg u47/leot/medium/30093568.DSCN4568.jpg
g4/53/115753/3/61621606.Jwt5gM6Q.jpg u49/jchiarella/medium/34933168.BikeFriday88001101104.jpg u45/jimbonius/medium/29206557.4_CN6853.jpg g3/04/1904/3/55396332.Flowers.jpg

Peter Huang12-Feb-2007 20:57
I own one back in the 90s and felt in love with photography.

This picture was taken with my Nikon 990
Guest 24-Aug-2004 16:00
990 owners are welcomed to search our extensive knowledge base in a non-commercial commonity of 1500 Coolpix990 oweners.

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