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Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 23-Aug-2007
Lens: 14-24mm f/2.8
Random Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED Samples from 16155 available Photos more
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Walter Otto Koenig08-May-2011 18:52
Best wide angle zoom lens made. Took it to the Getty Center and gave it a work out:
Edward Thomas24-Jun-2009 21:22
Look at the galleries, look at the colors, look at the sharpness. This is as good as it gets. Spectacular lens. It's not as good as the Hasselblad SWC, it's better. If you love fisheyes, then shoot with a fisheye, but for everyone and everything else, this is the one. Knowing how to use it it properly is a start...
Guest 16-Feb-2009 09:17
Yes, it is a great lens, but the lens is too rectilinear. It gives the most unnatural results. Fisheye is more natural for wide angle. Lines are not naturally straight from a point perspective. Think. The popularity of rectilinear wide angle lenses is just another example of mass delusion.
rbfresno11-Feb-2009 17:51
I'm an amature photographer, but still appreciate the incredible capabilities of this great lens. Sharp edge to edge, even at large aperures, it equals or exceeds the performance of most fixed foacl length wide angle lenses. Using it on the "FX" format of the D700, D3, or D3X allows a wide perspective. Plus, the color and contrast are super. As with any ultrawide zoom, there are some issues with flare, but this is seldom a problem if one is aware of it and deals with it accordingly.
Some 14-24 picictures:
rbfresno11-Feb-2009 17:36
I'm an amature photographer, but still can appreciate what a great lens the 14-24 is. On an FX format DSLR like the D3, D700 or D3X, it offers the ability to get wide perspectives with great sharpness edge to edge, even at wide apertures. The color and contrast are excellent, though like most ultrawide zooms, you have to be aware of flare and deal with it accordingly. The image quality equals or exceeds that of most of the available fixed gocal length ultrawide lenses.

Some sample 14-24 pictures here:
DaRrEn ThE20-Jan-2009 16:29

Nikon, 14-24mm f/2.8G ED & 24-70mm f/2.8G ED lenses
Guest 13-Nov-2008 16:48
Never had a lens as sharp as this one, amazing, fantastic colour on my D700.
Heavy but worth all the money, BUY IT, probably better then Hasselblad SWC
Guest 13-Nov-2008 16:46
Never had a lens as sharp as this one, amazing, fantastic colour on my D700.
Heavy but worth all the money, BUY IT
scorpius23-Sep-2008 05:50
I concur 2008 I've worn the heck out of this lens as it's so sharp and fun to shoot with (D300/D700). If you're on the fence, just buy it:) Some example shots: (mostly landscapes)
Guest 09-Sep-2008 03:53
I simply cannot rave about this lens enough. It is the BEST one in my kit – and my favourite. The quality is so superb it even rivals a host of prime wide-angles I’ve had. If you’re thinking about this lens – just BUY IT. You will not be disappointed whatsoever. Thank you Nikon!
Guest 10-Oct-2007 11:06
The best examples of photos taken with this lens plus the Nikon D3 were posted by ... details at :>

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