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Nikkor 60mm f/2.8G ED AF-S Micro Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 29-Jan-2008
Lens Mount: AF-D
Random Nikkor 60mm f/2.8G ED AF-S Micro Samples from 1882 available Photos more
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Guest 02-Oct-2011 14:55
I've put up a new page with a lot of useful information in one place at – thanks for your visit.
J Ponces20-Feb-2009 22:03
I am sorry, but I do not agree at all this is the best Nikon Macro: I have owned one for over 1 year, and I sold it a bought an "old" 60mm AFD back. For sure the AF-S has a faster focus, but not at all more precise, and the sharpness and contrast not so good as the older models. That is only my experience, not based on any scientific or technical facts...
Andrew Holman02-Nov-2008 13:27
Possibly the best ever macro lens from Nikon, and not just excellent for macros either. The realness of images is just wonderful. Time to sell the old 55mm F3.5!
Guest 19-Aug-2008 23:49
I don't shoot macro but I did purchase this lens for close up portraits. Here is one sample taken with my D700.
Guest 30-Jun-2008 11:09
One of the most illuminating comparisons for the Nikon AF-S 60mm f/2.8G lens was done by AndreasE :>
Guest 10-May-2008 08:29
A superb macro lens that integrates AF-S, ED elements, and Nano-coating. Magnificent portrait lens as well. Could easily become a walkabout lens. See some of my test macro images (insects)...

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