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Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D AF Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1995
Lens Mount: AF-D
Lens: 50mm f/1.4-16 ø52
Random Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D AF Samples from 8109 available Photos more
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Harry Lavo02-Apr-2008 02:59
Excellent for available light work as a short tele using DX camera, and a sharp, sharp high contrast prime from f/5.6 on up.
Darbowski14-Jan-2008 17:31
Sans doute le meilleur objectif fixe NIKON avec le 60 2.8 !!! En tout cas un rapport qualité prix incroyable !!!
Le piqué est remarquable et son ouverture permet une maîtrise totale de la profondeur de champ.
J'adore cet objectif et il ne me quitte jamais, pour moi il est parfait et j'abuse régulièrement des jeux qu'il me permet en profondeur de champ !
JB09-Jan-2007 21:20
An exceptional value among fast Nikon primes.
Guest 24-Apr-2006 10:06
A lovely lens, very bright and good for portraits on digital, as it becomes a 75mm equivalent on the APS 1.5x crop. Images have a 'quality' feel to them which tells you that this is a good lens- things like the colour reproduction and the smooth gradient between areas in and out of focus and also something else which is hard to describe. Unfortunately the bokeh isn't always spectacular as it can be a bit rough and render highlights as hexagons; though it can also be very smooth.

Overall this is a great lens, as many people who would otherwise just use zooms can have acess to a truly beautiful lens.
Guest 27-Oct-2005 13:16
One of the best primes ever made!! I love it and use it extensively!
frank_111218-Aug-2005 04:33

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