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Nikkor 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF AF Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 18-Feb-2003
Lens: 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6 ø62
Random Nikkor 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF AF Samples from 4534 available Photos more
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Guest 29-Jan-2011 00:37
This lens is'nt so good with me... the lower left corner is usually VERY soft (Nikon D700), and there is often heavy and nasty distortion (expecially barrel at wide). The D300 and the D700 correct chromatic aberrations automatically (and so do Capture Nx 2 and DxO - the software I use - with Raw files...)...but with other Raw converters fringings can be heavy and not always easy to eliminate...

Of course it's nice to have this do-it-all lens with the FX Nikons... but now I prefer the FAR superior Sigma 24-70/2.8 (with a 70-300 when I need tele...)

Guest 15-Dec-2008 03:44
An exellent all around lens. Good sharpness and saturation
Guest 25-Jun-2006 15:12
Noteworthy images captured with this lens + Nikon D50 at :>
Guest 26-May-2005 05:54
I'm very satisfied with performance of this lens. Sharp, good colour saturation, and suitable focal range for almost situations.
A good choice of single lens for travelling.
Guest 27-Sep-2004 11:24
Read my writeup about this marvellous lens :>

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