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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF AF-S VR

Nikkor 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF AF-S VR Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 18-Feb-2003
Lens Mount: AF-S
Lens: 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6 ø72
Random Nikkor 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF AF-S VR Samples from 27425 available Photos more
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norbi04-May-2010 17:01
I have it too on my D700, but I cannot share behroozr's opinion, that this lens is too soft.
Have a look on my Berlin-Gallery.
behroozr09-Jul-2009 11:07
i have this lense on my d700!
behroozr09-Jul-2009 11:06
it's too soft :( !!!!!!!!!!! i love the af-s and vr.Optics quality is very low!!!!11
Guest 03-Jan-2009 16:06
This is a very nice general purpose lens. I've gone through two of them, and both were sharp, and functioned as expected.
I would highly recommend this lens for anyone looking for a nice walk-around lens for FF.
J Ponces18-Oct-2008 10:49
I sincerely do NOT understand how can people complain about this lens...
Have a look at my pics...
Perhaps, you should consider....
Louis Indelicato23-Jul-2008 17:24
This lens is not that good,it's soft and slow to focus. Save your money and get something better
James Clarke27-Jan-2008 12:01
Anyone got some examples of this lens used on a film camera. I'm thinking of getting it to use with my F80.
Slug02-Dec-2006 19:42
Focal Length: 24-120mm

Maximum Aperture: f/3.5-5.6

Picture Angle (135mm): 84 - 2030'

Picture Angle (Nikon Ditigal SLR): 61 - 1320'

Lens Construction: 15 elements in 13 groups

Lens Drive: Silent Wave Motor

Extra Low Dispersion (ED) Lens: 2 Elements

Vibration Reduction: On/Off

Aspherical Lens: 2 Elements

Minimum Shooting Distance: 1.6 ft

Focusing: Internal Focusing (IF) Type

Maximum Reproduction Ratio: 1/47 (x 0.21)

Minimum F Stop: f/22-36

Aperture Blade: 7 blades (rounded)

Lens Hood: HB-25 (Supplied)

Filter Size: 72mm

Dimensions (Diameter x Length): Approx. 3.0 in x 3.7 in

Weight: Approx. 20.3 oz

Product Number: 2145 NCP
Guest 10-Dec-2005 22:21

This is a great lens for what it does. What does it do? It captures a wide focal range with respectable distortion and amazing color. It does shoot a bit warm, but nothing near a Sigma's color cast. The trick to this lens is to shoot at a slower shutter (or smaller aperature like f/8) speed to best utilize VR. You can even shoot beyond 1/60th handheld with a monopod. This lens has a rather large sweet spot from 40-90mm. It is a bit larger than other lenses with a 72mm filter ring. Much better balanced than the Sigma 24-70/2.8 for sure. I found myself shooting action shots (VR is no help here) at 24mm and 60mm, so I replaced this lens with two primes. I have some samples of VR on and off in my equipment gallery.

Happy Shooting,

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