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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 135mm f/2D AF-DC

Nikkor 135mm f/2D AF-DC Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1995
Lens Mount: AF-D
Random Nikkor 135mm f/2D AF-DC Samples from 1198 available Photos more
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Guest 23-Nov-2006 03:56
After I got this lens my pictures have never been the same. It's an amazing lens that you can set at f/2 and leave it -- it's sharp even at it's widest. The DC feature takes a little to understand, but once you do, it's actually very interesting tool. IMHO, it's impossible to take bad pictures with this lens, although mounted on a digital factor (cropped FOV) it is bit "narrow" in it's coverage. Mount it on a trusty 35mm loaded with fuji reala and you're in for a ride!

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