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All Cameras >> Leica >> Leica R6.2

Leica R6.2 SLR Film Camera Sample Photos

Film Size: 135
Marketed: 1992
Lens Mount: R
Random Leica R6.2 Samples from 64 available Photos more
g12/04/318004/3/169773330.5aYsDj4N.jpg g12/04/318004/3/169773309.YTC4f60c.jpg g2/04/318004/3/149497481.6NBGNDRS.jpg g12/04/318004/3/169827795.XGItUdk6.jpg
g12/04/318004/3/169827794.ynnEsvDx.jpg g12/04/318004/3/169773310.cMHIQdZp.jpg g12/04/318004/3/169773291.DxIe0FlJ.jpg g12/04/318004/3/169773297.6leB7HHc.jpg
g12/04/318004/3/169773295.K0f85iq9.jpg g12/04/318004/3/169773292.AzBziJE6.jpg g12/04/318004/3/169773329.Eb5cusIg.jpg g6/04/318004/3/73195492.7hi3gxvm.jpg

Guest 02-Jul-2007 09:37
HELLO! PBASE! I do have and use a LEICA R 6.2 and would like to post some of my pictures here, but I find it extremely hard to do so even after registering with PBase.
It is ofcourse my favourite camera and a machine truly worth much more than it costs.

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