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All Cameras >> Leica >> Leica Digilux Zoom

Leica Digilux Zoom Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 1999
Megapixels: 1.3
Random Leica Digilux Zoom Samples from 29 available Photos more
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andrew fildes21-Aug-2008 12:37
Leica badged version of the Fujifilm MX1700 - takes the same NP-80 battery.
Second of three Fujifilm manufactured Leica's - the first Digilux was non-zoom and the later Digilux 4:3 was upgraded to 2.4 megapixel and a 4:3 format (the 'Zoom' is 5:4)
Good images but tricky to use as it only has 125 ISO compared to the later model's 100/200/400 and the flash is feeble. However,the design is nicer than the later unit.
There is a unique Digicopy accessory available for slide copying.

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