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Fujichrome Velvia Film Sample Photos

Random Fujichrome Velvia Samples from 9847 available Photos more
g1/48/942348/3/125656737.K8Yt7eEj.jpg u37/angelilok/medium/24196458.BrownWhiteFroggy4s.jpg g13/51/428851/3/174921835.ec2abd6a.JPEG g3/98/571998/3/58570560.A211817_009.jpg
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g4/61/660461/3/61203670.041105017ec.jpg g5/96/51696/3/118688673.mAZviqS4.jpg g1/99/486999/3/75417781.xWnXdRWL.jpg g9/51/428851/3/163085009.gzOOKGim.jpg

Monte Dodge14-Nov-2005 17:22
Still , the outdoor film all are trying to catch. A 150.00 camera with a good lens and this film can still keep up with any of the under 5,000.00 digitals for a fraction. Film is nice in a day when many phots are CS'ed to death. Velvia will live on and film photos still have a big niche in the world.......

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