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Canon PowerShot SX40 HS Point and Shoot Digital Camera Sample Photos

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Marketed: 15-Sep-2011
Shutter Speeds: 1-1/3200 sc
Megapixels: 12.1
Random Canon PowerShot SX40 HS Samples from 19100 available Photos more
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Private22-Aug-2012 03:26
@ Geo:

The SX40HS isn't "trying" to be a DSLR. As someone who owns several DSLR's and now the SX40 I can say it's a perfect compliment to one and one that has plenty of balls.

In terms of buying it for the zoom range, sure many will. You ask "is that a reason?" and the answer is for many yes. Your needs may vary but don't assume your reasons match theirs.

Image quality wise, the lens is actually pretty darn good especially in terms of one that ranges from 24-840mm optically. The bokeh is better than most any of the Canon kit lenses. IQ is very strong too. The images you're seeing that appear soft? Likely user error or compression, who knows, but I have shots from 840mm to a full 140x zoom 3,360mm in digital zoom that are quite sharp with even just 1/125th. IS on this camera is excellent. Again, if you have a question on IQ, I'd be happy to share images. Sharpness isn't an issue either, even at full zoom.

The camera is targeted solidly at the user who wants versitility in focal lengths or even someone like me who is a part time photographer that is Canon DSLR based but doesn't always need or want to carry a lot of gear. It won't serve as a back up to my work but rather an alternative for my personal life when again, SLR Gear isn't always needed. It's quite obvious that one can't categorize it as "top notch DSRL quality" but it does offer better IQ than many of the typical kit lenses.

I disagree with your comments that it's a camera that is "almost" a DSLR. No bridge camera is almost a DSLR. There are too many attributes including sensor size, thus FOV and DOF that are completely different. The limitations of such cameras won't allow someone to play with DOF or any of the settings near the extent one would when using an SLR.

In terms of what you're looking for, don't come here to make up your mind on IQ as you're going to get ranges of images from good to bad. Hell, I'll show you images from $79 cameras to 11 year old cameras that you would be hard pressed to tell what they were shot with. Go shoot the SX40 for yourself and just the IQ on that.

Feel free to message me for question or comparisons. I'm always up to share images.
Hernan E. Enriquez11-May-2012 13:10
Snapsort rates the SX40 higher than the Canon T3!
coaldust19-Feb-2012 02:13
Not to sure about what geo is saying, over at dpreview a couple of guys tested the sx40 against the g12 and favored the sx40's image quality, And it handles higher iso shot amazingly well for a bridge camera.
Hernan E. Enriquez09-Jan-2012 10:25
Geo is right about the G12 having the better image quality of the two, for my photography the zoom range of the SX40 was is more important!
Hernan E. Enriquez04-Jan-2012 14:36
Geo, let's see your images! The camera did a good job for me during my trip to AZ and at home it is great for birds and flowers photography!
Guest 25-Nov-2011 21:17

It's trying to be a dslr, but doesn't quite have the balls. Many people will buy it simply for the zoom range, but is that really a reason? The quality of shot might be okay for the money, and for a digicam, but a half-decent dslr and lens leaves it nowhere in terms of photographic quality. It may well be digic 5, but I'm still seeing some images (at present) that are slightly soft, could be a tad sharper, and there's a blurry look to many shots too, so how good is the IS really? It's one of those cameras people will end up buying cuz they'll see it as "jack of all trades", in that it takes an acceptable photo, does HD video and has that enormous zoom. Personally, I'd rather see some great image quality, and 'then' think about the other stuff. I see this camera's role being more of a backup for the pro (maybe), and a taster for the novice and wannabe dslr user. That said, it's a good price for what you get and many people will not expect top-notch dslr quality. I've paid much more for just a lens, so it seems like a fair deal. I guess being a dslr user, I am sorta biased, but I do have to say I'd like this camera a lot more if it just showed a little more sharpness.
This model will certainly assist any budding photographer out there in as much as it will allow the user to work with a camera that is 'almost' a dslr, but doesn't carry the price-tag. You could do a lot worse than this camera if you are a student on a budget.
It should do well and sell loads. It fills a long-awaited niche and to many the specs will be mouth-watering and too hard to resist. I personally prefer the image quality of the G12 with it's 10 MP and digic 4, but like I said, many people will fore-go the image quality of the G12 in favour of the SX40 IS zoom range. At the end of the day, it's not that it's a bad camera I suppose, it's just that it 'could' be a lil better.
So, will I buy one? Hmm. Still undecided as yet and still looking at the G12 and the awesome Nikon P7100 with it's outstanding image quality. Maybe I'll be swayed, and if I do, I'll post my shots on PBase. Really looking forward to seeing loads of pics from this camera as I know there will be tons from users who can take great shots with the lowliest of digicams and might even prove me wrong in my opinion of the SX40 IS.

Come on guys, get your photos up! :)
Hernan E. Enriquez23-Oct-2011 22:24
We will have lots of samples soon!!!

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