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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot SD750

Canon PowerShot SD750 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Canon IXY Digital 90 in Japan.
Also known as Canon Digital IXUS 75
Marketed: 21-Feb-2007
Megapixels: 7.1
Random Canon PowerShot SD750 Samples from 9420 available Photos more
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Guest 16-Jul-2008 05:21
This is one of the coolest point-and-shoot cameras you can get. It is compact, shoots high quality images and the works. It can make a good spy camera
Guest 03-Feb-2008 21:04
While it is obviously no SLR substitute, I have been satisfied with the SD750, especially considering its price.
Brett Peterson24-Dec-2007 15:05
I’m a professional photographer. The Cannon SD750 has all the features I need in a compact package.
Guest 04-Oct-2007 12:11
i was imopress by the camera. value for money!

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