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Canon PowerShot S5 IS Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 07-May-2007
Megapixels: 8
Random Canon PowerShot S5 IS Samples from 32248 available Photos more
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wolfgang_fener20-May-2008 19:01
Very good sub-500$ camera ...but you get what you pay for. Remember, it's a point and shoot, not a full frame dSLR! IT's easy to forget this is just a point and shoot because it actually offers many manual controls.

Very noisy above ISO200, very difficult to get a shallow depth of field, many users like me got a few frozen sensor pixels... And you really need to get a decent external flash, especially if you plan to shoot inside with the wide angle converter.
Michel CORBOZ13-Mar-2008 11:34
Pour le prix, cet appareil est très versatile...Il ne prend pas de place, il est facile à manipuler, assez rapide, léger, solide, se range dans une poche de manteau.
Le zoom optique à 12x est à la limite de sa résolution. Le bruit est acceptable...
les 4 batteries AA permettent de tenir tout au long de ma carte mémoire (2G) si je n'utilise pas toujours le flash.
Ce que je trouve extra avec cette série de Canon, c'est l'écran arrière pivotable
d'une bonne grandeur avec le S5, il nous permet de prendre des photos dans des angles impossibles...
Bilsen18-Sep-2007 01:42
I moved up to the S5 from the S2 and I love both cameras. The S5 has the hotshoe allowing me to finally learn external flash. The face detection is much more than the gimmick I thought it might be and the 2.5" LCD is a blessing after the puny 1.8" on the S2.
I've took about 12,000 exposures with the S2 and I've done just over 2,000 since July with the S5. I can tell you the IQ is not that much different (5 MP to 8 MP is not that big a deal for me) but the rest of the S5 is a pleasure.
Tigadee09-Jul-2007 03:40
Canon has outdone itself for the Powershot S IS-series with this latest S5 IS. It's very fast focus (even in very low light!), clean results up to ISO 200 and large bright EVF and LCD makes it a very good prosumer model. I've used it for over 3 weeks with 500++ shots, review on LCD and EVF, IS, and the batteries are still going. The hotshoe elevates the S5 IS above its competition, such as the Sony H9 and Panasonic FZ8, even the S3 IS. It's not as comfortable as a DSLR or its prosumer rivals such as the Panasonic FZ50 but it certainly has better results. The colour rendition is excellent and performs very well even with mixed lighting. My only regret is that the S5 IS is too small for my (big) hands - If only it had a battery grip option...

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