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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot G9

Canon PowerShot G9 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 20-Aug-2007
Megapixels: 12.1
Random Canon PowerShot G9 Samples from 53667 available Photos more
g1/38/124438/3/129540728.7C9wXssQ.jpg g3/75/798675/3/123412993.M31KQXqI.jpg g3/89/785789/3/88231252.48Fa2MgU.jpg g1/35/858835/3/108361420.KFHKa9jV.jpg
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Dias dos Reis06-Dec-2011 16:14
The worst camera I've ever used.
Jan Søgaard10-Oct-2008 21:08
The first Camera ever I own to capture a shakefree picture in handheld at 1/2 sek. It is very good in many other ways.
Andrea Santacroce11-Sep-2008 10:29
Switch from DSLR to G9 I'm very happy about results.
RAW chance for P&S camera is for me a great pro. Maybe the best P&S
Guest 11-Aug-2008 14:52
Best Camera for street photo. Small, good and you don't look like a paparazi.
Tracy O'Camera10-Jun-2008 21:20
I bought a G9 about a month ago and it is a great camera in many situations. It does not come close to my 5D with pro lenses, especially where fast shooting is required. I have owned about 10 different digital cameras, and currently own 5 (counting my phone). The G9, in family situations, scenery (travel), is a beauty. It produces excellent photos with minimal fuss. I'm telling anyone who asks 'what digital SLR to buy', that they should start out with the G9 - it is probably better than any film camera they have used in the past. And oh, I say - learn to use the computer before you upgrade your camera. With the G9 they don't need to worry about lenses, sensor cleaning and other SLR complexities. I was out at a club once and popped my Canon 580EX flash onto it for a few shots -- amazing what you can do with a $500 camera that has a $500 flash attached.
Guest 16-May-2008 20:01
as below I bought as a pocket camera It is stunning to say it's classed as a compact It is definitely a good stand by for an slr macro superb have you tried time lapse video it's cool
whitewolf04-May-2008 05:11
I own a Canon 20D, 5D and a 40D and I bought the G9 as a need to "go lite" camera and I am very pleased with it. Yes it is noisier than my dslrs but it is a point and shoot camera and if you don't go over 200 iso I don't see any major problems. Good job Canon.
Barry Liimakka10-Mar-2008 21:12
I purchase the G9 after my trusty Sony DSV-1 goes to camera heaven. I wasn't quite ready
to go the D-SLR route & the G9 is a perfect choice for having power, image control & the
ability to shoot RAW with a P&S you can slip into a pocket ( albeit a large pocket ).

I'm very pleased thus far with the G9. You actualy gotta read the manual if you want to
bet off and running, but the command syntax & menus are intuitive & very locigal with
camera in hand. The G9 performs flawlessly in daylight situations. You can get good
limited light output so long as you're careful & creative. Some folks compalain about
noise issues with the G9. I see this more as a function of packing 12 Mpx onto a CCD chip
than any particular defect in the G9. You can indeed generate noise with this or any
other 12 Mpx P&S if you do not manage light skillfully & watch your ISO.

Thus far, I'm having a great time with the G9 & look forward to a May Sedona photo outing.
No real negatives. Camera is a bit clumsy in hand if you're trying to compose & AE lock &
you can inadvertantly tap the wrong button if you get too caught up in captures, but the
ergnonomics are good. Can't change the SD card or battery if on a tripod. Battery life
seems OK though you will want to pick up extras. Likewise get a few 4 GB SD cards.

Anyone on the fence about going D-SLR but who wants power and control should consider the
G9 because it offers the chance to shoot RAW & hon your skills until the day that you make
the jump up with the big dawgs.
Guest 27-Feb-2008 15:08
I was looking for a powerful compact camera to supplement my 20D and I am very pleased with this camera. It's obviously not as good as a 20D with L lenses, but I feel confident I have a capable workhorse when I need to "go lite" during backpacking, rock climbing, and traveling. I carry it around everyday in my purse, in case a photoop arises. Noise is a problem, as everyone knows. You don't get the bokeh you can get with a DSLR and the right lens. But for its price and compactness, it's a great camera.
I have further comments in my G9 gallery:
Guest 26-Dec-2007 00:33
OK, I got used to not being able to use raw on my Apple! This is a fantastic camera!

These are just a few snaps I took on Christmas eve with my Canon G9,as I say - they are just snaps,however I'm VERY impressed with the image quality -

What do you think? Not bad for a compact?
Dana26-Nov-2007 18:12
I purchased this shortly before taking a trip to Orlando. My old Canon S50 was no longer functioning correctly and the cost of fixing was more than getting a new camera. After much research including reading comments here, I decided on the G9. So far, I have been very pleased.

As has been previously commented on in reviews, the ISO setting is a joke. However, I have found that in low-light settings, if I lower my resolution, I can raise my ISO slightly without too much grain. I even got a couple usable pictures while moving on some dark rides in Disney World.

While interesting to play with, the scene modes are mostly a waste to me as I tend not to like the auto settings that it chooses for me. However, I have had fun with the Color Select mode. Even though I question the practicality of this feature, I have used it a couple times with interesting results. It is definitely easier than trying to select an area to keep in color during post-processing if that sort of artistic endeavor is useful to you.

One of my requirements in a camera was that it had to fit in my pocket. I am happy to say, that while larger than most P&S cameras, the G9 does squeeze into my pocket and was quite safe there on several thrill rides in Orlando. It's also been slightly banged a couple times and the metal body holds up well showing no dents. I have very small hands and find that larger grips and hand holds on cameras are often very uncomfortable for me. The G9 is very easy for me to hold and fits my hands well.

I'm still learning features of the camera (and basic photography in general), but for someone wanting more than a simple auto P&S that will still fit in a pocket, be easy to carry around, and still have some advanced features, I highly recommend the Canon G9.
Guest 21-Nov-2007 00:24
I am very very disapointed. The G9 doesn't allow me to import RAW into iphoto....gutted. If I'd known this I wouldn't have bought the G9, I got rid of a 400D for the same reason. Why is it OK with my Canon 5D?
Guest 20-Nov-2007 14:38
Just got my G9 through the post(only ordered it last night! Good old Amazon). Comes with a 32mb card,which is about as much use as tits on a fish. I thought it was a CF card for some reason,never mind, I'll just order a couple of 4gb SD.
The build quility is fantastic, no sign of this dreaded light leak problem either.I had a G5 and I loved that,but this is even nicer. I've only had the camera an hour but I just can't put it down! It just feels soooo good.

Anyway, I'll post some images later.....
scatts17-Nov-2007 18:24
Me again. Just to say that I do have the light leak problem and it really is nothing to worry about. I agree it shouldn't be there and presumably on later models they'll fix it.

It is only ever noticeable when you are in a dark place and the screen should be dark also, for example, playing back images at night (or in a dark room). The screen has a small amount of light in the bottom right hand corner that shouldn't be there (it should be completely black).

If all the comments out there about this were putting you off, then I'd forget about it. Depending just how fussy you are of course!
scatts02-Nov-2007 07:18
I got my G9 on 31st October. Within my galleries you can find a growing number of G9 shots as well as Fuji f31fd and Nikon D70 by way of comparison.

Initial impressions are;
1/ This is not a point & shoot camera for people who want to use the automatic settings. I think the Fuji has better P&S capability. Besides that, it's too big and heavy for P&S use.
2/ The possibilities from the G9 are far far greater than from the Fuji in the hands of someone who has at least some idea what they are doing and has reasonable post-processing skills.
3/ It is great to have so many pixels to play with. You can crop all day and still have a large and detailed image left over.
4/ If I do have this "light leak" problem that many are talking about, I can't say I have noticed and so is not something I'll be complaining about.
5/ You need a 4GB card.
6/ You need a spare battery.
7/ Try holding and using the camera in the shop before you buy. Not an issue for me but I have big and reasonably strong hands. For others, the handling may well be a problem. Why can't Canon build cameras that feel good in the hand, like Nikon do?
8/ Be ready to spend a lot of time playing with it to find the best settings for given circumstances. Also to find the best use for the many features.

Despite some of the above comments, it is early days, but this seems to be an excellent camera so far.
Guest 22-Oct-2007 02:30
I picked up this camera about a week ago and have been thrilled to have a pocket-sized companion for my 5D. I just posted a comprehensive side-by-side comparison of the G9 and the 5D with a few lenses if anyone's interested.
Guest 14-Oct-2007 15:26
I am a long time Nikon SLR-shooter, but there are times when you want to travel light, but still have the oportunity to bring home high-quality photos and be in charge of the settings of the camera while you shoot. I used to have a Nikon Coolpix 5400 for that task. An excellent little camera in many respects: 28mm on the short end and capable of shooting RAW. However I was getting tired of the tiny LCD screen. I expedted Nikon to come out with an updated model with the same virtues, but it did not happen. Instead they came out with Coolpix P5000 and P5100 which are not quite in the same league because they lack the RAW capability. I don't care about the Megapixel race. Even the 5MP of the Nikon 5400 was often enough. I tried a Lumix FX-50 with a 3" LCD screen, because I wanted 28mm, but the lack of control over the settings and the noise-issue finally made me look again. This time the Canon G9 had just come out. I bought one and so far it has served me well. I miss the 28mm at times - and barrel distorsion can be quite visable in some shots - but software can correct that, and if you don't go over 800 ISO you can eleminate obtrusive noise with a bit of software too.
All in all I think that right now this camera is the best compromise for the serious photographer looking for a compact camera with full control over the settings, offering RAW files all in a robust and well build body.

Guest 12-Oct-2007 03:16
Kenneth Tanaka posted an excellent Canon G9 review from a user's perspective, and also provided a downloadable ISO 100 RAW file. For details, please see :>
Guest 10-Sep-2007 19:20
It certainly does 'look nice', but I can't help but wonder what all those pixels are doing in such a small space. There are no pics on PBase as yet, so we can't judge it, but it's hard to see how it's going to give as clean an image as it's predecessors.
Personally, I'd like to think it 'will' be every bit as good as (if not better than) the G7, and G5 (my favourite). I await those first pics with great anticipation.
Guest 10-Sep-2007 14:51
looks nice

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