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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot A80

Canon PowerShot A80 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 20-Aug-2003
Megapixels: 4
Random Canon PowerShot A80 Samples from 26433 available Photos more
g3/35/614835/3/52751027.IMG_0103.jpg g3/93/463093/3/96235918.ngpgqeq0.jpg u8/ctfchallenge/medium/37464748.34683172.jpg g3/93/463093/3/56934058.2882_TabletopScotchElm.jpg
g2/21/38121/3/66117738.zakoI9Ob.jpg g12/71/632171/3/172771663.Obt7pKFk.jpg g6/38/686838/3/75400926.k7hn92Ja.jpg u8/faustm/medium/32844510.IMG_1638.jpg
g4/37/672037/3/61691982.KWdSeGVp.jpg g3/30/18430/3/114922423.0gDmBeHF.jpg v3/82/474982/3/50260277.3446A.jpg v3/35/562735/3/44555695.CN_0035.jpg

Amine09-Apr-2007 03:42
hello for all i'like 'jax' in profil of J. Wilson the laste photo in he profile my mail is tell you friend plz
Guest 21-Feb-2005 15:09
Very versatile camera. Despite common belief, I do not find that it blows out the sky any more than other cameras.
Guest 20-Feb-2005 14:04
This is a great little camera. You are invited to join the yahoo groups forum and join our challenges at
Guest 19-Feb-2005 08:07
A80 is very professional camera. The measure of CCD sensor is 1/1.8 inch.
Guest 16-Nov-2004 18:19
Wonderful camera -- no noise, rich, true colors, articulated LCD viewfinder, amazing battery life.
James Ross26-Oct-2004 20:31
Wonderful camera. The swivel LCD is a must.
Guest 02-Aug-2004 07:07
nice camera!! i bought it because of the picture quality i saw here at pbase

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