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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS 40D

Canon EOS 40D Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 20-Aug-2007
Megapixels: 10.1
Random Canon EOS 40D Samples from 930629 available Photos more
g9/81/852781/3/158889253.enHxDNig.jpg g4/40/615040/3/136542675.mnVoMi0g.jpg g4/50/549050/3/134369557.ukPz5VLV.jpg g13/94/339594/3/117666757.ffbeb883.JPEG
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@ Bruce Gilling06-Feb-2010 04:13
iramrolon07-Jan-2010 23:13
I love this one
milivista26-May-2009 06:11
taken with EOS 40D :
Christian Dumont28-Dec-2008 16:45
My first one with that camera:
Guest 27-Oct-2008 21:47
I have also a Canon 40D from BHPhoto, very good choice.
tero koskela24-Sep-2008 21:42
Yep no offence Devilgorgor but when you compare the two pictures you can see that the Canon one has been taken in much darker conditions. Your shutter speed is 1/100s for 200mm focal length - surely this has an unfavorable effect on 'Canon sharpness'.
Devilgorgor12-Aug-2008 04:11
i can show you that pictures took from canon 40D and nikon d2xs both used Canon 200mm f/1.8L USM and Nikkor 200mm f/2G VR respectively then you can canon used alot post process by alot of sharping but nikon not.
Bill Catton18-Jun-2008 00:00
The 40D is a fantastic piece of equipment. Quiet, easy to use and produces high quality pictures. The live view feature is absolutley fantastic.
rook30-May-2008 02:07
Anyone familiar with Canon should know that Canon's xxD and xD cameras are traditionaly soft by design. It is very easy to sharpen a softer image then it is to correct an image that is to sharp (yes pictures can be to sharp). I currently only have two "L" series lenses (EF70-200mmf4L and EF400mmf5.6L). Both are exceptional lenses for which Nikon has no equivelent (at a very reasonable price). I only shoot in RAW and have the camera set to due no internal processing as I prefer to do it myself. With basic and limited post processing skills it is very easy to get very sharp images with very vivid colors with this camera. It is also very fast (faster then the D300. In order for the D300 to catch up with the 40D it has to be set to 12 bit while with Canon there is no option since the DigicIII processor is easily capable of handling the extra data flow while it appears the Nikon processor is not. Overall I'm very happy with this camera. The focusing system works great in AI-Servo mode making it much easier to capture action shots and birds in flight with the 6.5fps shooting speed and fairly deep bufer (Canon claims 17 shots in RAW, however I've shot up to 19-20 shots before the camera starts to pause ever so slightly.
D. Welch30-May-2008 00:35
I've heard about the softness before although I am not a pro it seems very sharp to me I have tried the 5D and I will be buying it very soon (full frame ) I would not trade the 40D for any nikon camera.
Devilgorgor19-May-2008 04:21
photo quality from 40D is softer compare to D2Xs or D300, doesn't matter L lens attached.
wilberelsalvador15-May-2008 04:26
Es primera cámara de este clase y me siento contento y satisfecho con los resultados estoy obteniendo. Soy profesor universitario de la Universidad de El Salvador de la carrera de Ingeniería Eléctrica y la fotografía es mi pasatiempo principal pero la tomo muy en serio. Por el momento la 40D me ofrece más de lo que le puedo explotar, pero ya veremos que pasa dentro de algún tiempo. Para ver parte de mi trabajo pueden escribir "Wilber - El Salvador" en

Por el momento solo tengo tres lentes 50mm, macro 100mm y 28-135mm y estoy esperando el mejor momento para comprar un flash, y en un futuro espero hacerme de un gran angular de 10-20mm o de un ojo de pescado. Pero primero el flash.

Por el momento la 40D me ha presentado algunas fallas sin importancia pero según he leído se superan actualizando el firmware, pero aun no me he decidido en hacerlo. Una de las fallas que más me molesta se presenta cuando estoy revisando las fotos en el LCD, y es que resulta que cuando hago retratos de personas, en el contorno de ellas, se logra ver los pixeles pero en el monitor de la PC se ve bien. A por cierto, también me gustaría que ella y sus accesorios fueran más económicos sin disminuir la calidad.


Guest 18-Apr-2008 22:58
I was trying to compare this newer Canon to my Nikon D200 but couldn't compare the picture quality with compatible lenses on both. Here's my gallery with photo's of the D200, so what do others think compared to the EOS 40D?

Guest 27-Mar-2008 07:22
I have in 1028 shots with the Canon EOS 40D, and the total is of Random Canon EOS 40D Samples from 47189 available. Once 100 times random visualizing, they are 1200 images of this total of 47.189. How is it possible that none of my shots can be visualized? Here there is some error of mathematical probability. Do you have some problem?
Devilgorgor11-Mar-2008 04:24
photo quality is little soft compare to 5D and 30D, but you won't need to worry dust on sensor problem. as you know 400D share exact same sensor from brotherhood 40D for less money, if you have small hand and not need alot of function, the 400D is right camera for you.
@ Bruce Gilling01-Dec-2007 06:34
super fast also on focussing ! super IQ with the EFS 17-55 2.8 AND 70-200 F4 IS lens great combination feels great to handle better than my 5D
live view in nice but forget Raw s imho
toscanorgbdigital20-Oct-2007 21:16
acabo de comprar la 40D, tendre unos 600 disparos, pero que maravilla de maquina, un maquinon sin duda, la recomiendo ampliamente , un poco pesada, mas que la 20 D y la 30D, pero una estabilidad fabulosa, se siente la camara y mas sio la montas con eo 70-200 f 2.8L o el sigma 24-70 f 2.8, se siente robusta, un abrazo a todos los fotografos mexianos que anden por ahi,
Guest 17-Oct-2007 00:27
The Canon 40D is a really nice camera, I mean excellent. It is a bit soft by default, but it is less than a problem because we can ajust sharpness parameter in picture styles to have pictures more sharpened. Autofocus is faster than with my previous 20D. Formating a 4 gig card is lightening fast. I mainly use Sigma Ex, Tamron, and a Canon 50 mm 1.4 with it.
I feel it more on the spot with skin tones.

Some examples can be seen here :
through_the_lens12-Oct-2007 05:18
I traded up from the original Digital Rebel and am very pleased. Take a look at the first 6 images on my site that were shot iwth the 40D along the San Juan Skyway in Colorado the last week of September. Great Aspen colors.
Ron Wright19-Sep-2007 02:54
After a week and a half with my 40D I finally decided to post a comment in here. The bottom line is I LOVE IT. I upgraded from a Rebel XT (350D) and it’s like being in a different photographic world.

The 10 MP sensor is great and comes in handy when I have to crop, which I do quite often since I enjoy photographing birds.

The self-cleaning feature is very nice and today I noticed it eliminated a speck of dust. I did have to turn the camera off and back on, but it knocked that little sucker out of there.

The 3” LCD is amazing after using the Rebel XT’s 1.8” for the last two years. I can actually see it! And the Controls/Settings are easy to use and intuitive.

And last but not least, Live View will be one of those things that I will soon wonder how I ever did without. For tripod-mounted shots it can’t be beat.

Here’s one photo I did tonight using Live View and a long lens:

If you are thinking about buying this camera, go ahead and take the plunge. You won’t regret it.
Guest 16-Sep-2007 10:44
A great upgrade from the 20D check out my first outing with the camera
Eric Hewis13-Sep-2007 12:36
I bought one yesterday,I'm about to go out and try it.
Only criticism so far,you need a magnifying glass to read the instruction book.
Guest 12-Sep-2007 21:54
Just how good can a camera get these days? Well done Canon, yet again. I can't wait to get out and about with my latest 'EOS-Box'. Will post some shots asap.
Guest 11-Sep-2007 20:54
My cheap cameras take better pics than all of your expensive ones....LOL
Guest 11-Sep-2007 06:02
Here's my first test shot. First impression is it's much quieter than the 20D. Live view is to die for! Picture quality? you tell me!
Martin Lamoon09-Sep-2007 06:04
Picked up my Canon 40D late yesterday from Jessops in Reading, so no time for any good pictures, will be out today if weather better and will post,
Guest 08-Sep-2007 20:56
Nice camera, I'm liking it, here are some photos.
Guest 08-Sep-2007 19:22
Sorry that should read 17-85. I hate this curved keyboard.
Guest 08-Sep-2007 19:21
Took delivery of mine yesterday evening. Took it for a spin this evening. I just love it. I have upgraded from a 350D. You know what? Size matters. This camera feels solid and handles beautifully. I'm just disappointed that the EF-S 17-55 2.8 I ordered was faulty and had to be returned. The results with the EF-S 71-84 are very pleasing. Aurofocus swift and accurate. Just hope DXO bring out a module for the 40D ASAP.
Guest 07-Sep-2007 23:19
Got mine today 09/07/07. Hope to get out tomorrow and give it the once through. Just going over it now and snapping a few images, I'm really please. Was shooting with a 20D and wasn't motivated enough by the upgrades to get a 30D. First thing I'm struck by. QUIET. Anyone with a 10D and then a 20D knows the shutter sounded like a hammer dropping in comparison. Very, very happy with what I've seen so far. Really interested in seeing how the auto ISO setting will work. Also really like the idea of the 3 customizable settings on the top (round dial) and the range in features that can be customized to personalize this camera. Lets hope it ends up being everything I've been waiting for!
Glen Sansoucie07-Sep-2007 02:39
Thank you Best Buy!
Guest 03-Sep-2007 15:40
Just ran across one in Buffalo "snatch"..
Taking forever to upload to the Base but can see a few pics here...
PS. Me thinks I like it!
Devilgorgor31-Aug-2007 03:01
recently sold 5D and D80 because dust on sensor problem is really annoying, send to Canon factory countless time to clean up. I think 40D is slower compare to Canon 1D MARK III, but imagin quality about similar. anyone think just wait til Nikon D300 will be released by Nov?
Devilgorgor31-Aug-2007 02:44
I do, very nice camera, fast focus and low ISO noise. great upgrade from 30D, 20D
Guest 30-Aug-2007 19:15
Oh I am like a little boy waiting for this thing.
Erkan Erdem30-Aug-2007 15:36
Any one has it now???
MJ26-Aug-2007 19:04
The reviews look amazing on this thing. I love the face that they took the already amazing 30D and added some of the features people love about the 1D Mark series. Such as 3" LCD on rear is amazing as well as a slightly faster FPS of 6.5. so nice. I was shopping around wuite a bit and was torn between the 30D or a decent price jump to the 5D. I feel like this is a nice compramise where it still has the popup flash and newer menu system. the only thing i wish they would have done is increased the sensor size. but for the cost of this, you cant beat it. Can't wait to see some example photos from people. I will be purchasing this guy. Check out reviews and specs at: great place to do side by side compares of all cameras!
Guest 24-Aug-2007 21:37
My next friend

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