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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6 II USM

Canon EF 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6 II USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Sep-2003
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6 II USM Samples from 2401 available Photos more
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Glyn Woods10-Apr-2008 15:58
Worst thing about this lens is that it is very light. So much so that at the longer focal lengths, camera shake is a real problem, as there is relatively little weight resting in your hand. If you can get over this problem by using some support for the lens, results are perfectly respectable for a lens in the 'budget category'. The IS feature on the more recent EF-S 55-200 will go a long way in solving the shake problem.
Guest 24-Aug-2006 14:11
This is a re-tread of Canon's APS 55-200 lens. It complements the 18-55 that comes with the Digital Rebel, but doesn't really have much else going for it. So-so image quality, and cheap plastic/poor quality construction. In general, a wobbly lens is NOT a good thing!

If you're looking for something in this price range, I would recommend the 28-105 f/3.5-4.5 USM. For about the same money, you get ring USM, better image quality, and solid construction.

If really need the longer focal length, spend the extra money for a 75-300 f/4-5.6 IS USM which has image stabilization and comparable image and build quality to the 28-105. Or invest in a 70-200 f/4 L, which while pricey, is a vastly superior lens that will last a lifetime, and hold its resale value.

Nexy Review:

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