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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM

Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Mar-2000
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM Samples from 29630 available Photos more
g4/40/582040/3/60364203.IMG_4848p.jpg g6/44/460844/3/79412489.H0F5HpuC.jpg g3/84/950584/3/124479437.sve6TlVJ.jpg g6/67/530467/3/69327952.bE9M7hgR.jpg
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Guest 19-Jul-2009 17:22
Excellent lens. I use this lens with extension tube Canon EF25 and Kenko 1,4x.
Some pictures:
gardengirl1315-Jan-2009 19:12
My most favorite lens. Can't beat the sharpness!
Guest 24-May-2008 20:38
Detail test shots of the center and edge available at :

All photos are taken with tripod mount, mirror lock up and using cable release.
All photos are straight from camera. Pictures are not post processed except resize and cropping.
Guest 23-Feb-2008 15:17
Excellent macro lens, I recommend it !!!
Samples here :
Seth Casteel01-Jun-2007 21:41
I LOVE this lens! Excellent for macro as well as portraits! I highly recommend this lens, expecially for newbies or amateur macro photographers. Easy to use with AMAZING results! Add a teleconverter and some extension tubes and you can get super duper macro!
Guest 27-Jan-2007 11:15
I bought this lens so i could have the best Macro lens, especialy for photographing objects at home, like my camera collection. I did already have the Sigma 105 f2.8 Macro, which is a very good lens, but I find this one is slightly beter, and I was able to sell the Sigma for a good price on ebay. Having moved to a 5D I find you really do need to use the best lenses out there to make it worthwhile - the 5D shows up problems more than the cropped censor.

I am delighted with this lens and I would easily give it a 9 out of 10. It is certainly as sharp as some, perhaps most, of my L lenses. It is solid and well built and the AF (which i don't use that much) is very fast. It costs nearly as uch as an L lens and a lot more than the Sigma but I think it is worth it for a top quality macro.

My gallery of pics taken with this lens:
Guest 18-Aug-2006 22:11
This is the lens I leave on my camera for general purpose use. At non-macro focus distances, it is a very fast lens in a convenient short-telephoto length. The images are sharp out to the corners. This is one of those great Canon lenses that probably deserves an L-series rating but is available without the red stripe and exorbitant cost.

Tested in an astrophotography context (point sources on black backgrounds - excellent for revealing aberration and coma), I have found that this lens is reasonably sharp at f/4 and completely sharp by f/5.6. For daylight terrestrial photography, the tiny aberrations caused by the wide-open f/2.8 aperture are hardy noticeable and by f/4 the images are exquisitely sharp.

There is a lot of glass in this lens - it is heavy. I highly recommend buying the tripod collar as it allows you to attach the camera and lens to a tripod or ballhead with much better balance.

Also, if you plan on using the macro functionality, keep in mind that the effective f-stop of the lens goes way up when you're focusing at very close range. At 15cm from the front surface, it performs as though it were an f/9. You'll either want a lot of light or a very steady subject and a good tripod (another reason to buy the hideously overpriced tripod collar).

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Guest 20-Jun-2006 08:52
Not just for macros shots of bugs, flowers and still life, but also fantastic for portaiture :>

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