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Apple iPhone Mobile Device Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 29-Jun-2007
Random Apple iPhone Samples from 12019 available Photos more
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g2/63/525763/3/147119192.8R9ZSMXA.jpg g2/66/584766/3/147618825.L8a8C1h0.jpg g3/10/445810/3/88219808.NepA4wZO.jpg g1/67/191567/3/127694088.YMUTQfLn.jpg
g3/86/643886/3/109808247.wzKwcfEj.jpg g9/10/809310/3/152326314.TyCRp41J.jpg g9/18/30318/3/152067015.yeP8wIWo.jpg g4/18/30318/3/140177613.eMvHLrc4.jpg

@ Bruce Gilling15-Jun-2013 23:22
SRW07-Nov-2012 16:35
Surprised at how good this -- an iPhone 5 -- is! I think my point-and-shoot HP will now remain hidden away in the cupboard...! (Won't replace my beloved Nikon D200, though!)
Adalberto Tiburzi20-Mar-2009 13:08
More than decent even in low light, imho...

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