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Harel Boren | all galleries >> Galleries >> International Acknowledgements - APODs and Publications > Jacob's Ladder - IC4633, IC4635 and IFN in Apus (also Sarah's Nebula) - Annotated Version
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May 14-15, 2013 Harel Boren

Jacob's Ladder - IC4633, IC4635 and IFN in Apus (also Sarah's Nebula) - Annotated Version

Kalahari Desert, Namibia

Total Exposure Time: 6:00 hours L(bin1); RGB(bin2),
LRGB 120:80:80:80 / 36 frames of 10 minutes each
RA 17h 28m 28s, Dec -77° 31' 39"
Pos Angle +89° 10' (R), FL 599.6 mm 4.03 arcsec/pixel
This image is 1570x1076 pixels

Officina Stellare Riccardi-Honders Veloce RH 200 OTA
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SBIG STL11000M, AP GTO1200 mount, guided w/PHD

This image is also named Sarah's Nebula by renowned colleague, Michael Sidoni of Australia:

This rarely imaged region lies in the Southern constellation of Apus (77 Deg. South)
The dust lanes comprise dark nebular clouds and the Integrated Flux Nebulae (a thin
haze of gas and dust floating above our Galaxy's plane). Through it, many far away galaxies
can be seen, the most prominent of which are noted upon the image.

A non-annotated version of this image can be found here:

The description of Jacob's ladder appears in Genesis 28:10-19:
Jacob left Beersheba, and went toward Haran. He came to the place and stayed there that night,
because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay
down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth,
and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it

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