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Harel Boren | all galleries >> Galleries >> International Acknowledgements - APODs and Publications > NGC 6914a/b (vdB-131, vdB-132) in Cygnus
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June 22, 2012 Harel Boren

NGC 6914a/b (vdB-131, vdB-132) in Cygnus

Negev Desert, Israel

SBIG ST8300M, Astrodon filters: RGB E-Series GenII, Ha 5nm
L(Ha)R(Ha)GB Total 3:50 hours = LRGBHa 100:20:20:25:65 (5 min. exposures; RGB is binned 2x2).
Boren-Simon 2.8-8 CF (Carbon Fiber) OTA -
NEQ6 mount, guided w/PHD and EQMOD

This image is 1550x1145 pixels

An expansive emission nebulosity lying between Deneb (α-Cyg) and Sadr (γ-Cyg) hosts the three bright reflection nebulae comprising NGC 6914, the reflection nebula at the center of the image below, NGC 6914a to the right (south) and 6914b to the left (north) of the center.

Also known as vdB 131 (NGC 6914a) and vdB 132 (NGC 6914b), these reflection nebula represent collections of newly formed hot stars which light-up the dust in their immediate environment, thus leading to the characteristic (blue) reflection nebulosity. The glowing ionized hydrogen gas in the general area and which also surrounds these young stars (Cygnus OB association) is the building material which leads to their formation. Also visible in the image below are large areas of "dark" nebulosity and where interstellar dust obstructs the light from passing through. This nebulosity lies about 6000 light-years away (ref. ; see also: ).

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