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Harel Boren | all galleries >> Galleries >> International Acknowledgements - APODs and Publications > 47 Tucanae NGC 104
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June 28, 2011 Harel Boren

47 Tucanae NGC 104

Tivoli Astrofarm, Namibia

SBIG ST8300M, Astrodon filters: RGB E-Series GenII
LRGB Total 28 min. and 20 sec. = L 16:20 min. [14x1 min. + 14x10 sec] + R,G,B 4x1 min. each
Boren-Simon 2.8-8 CF (Carbon Fiber) OTA -
AP GTO1200 mount, guided w/PHD and EQMOD

Discovered by Abbe Nicholas Louis de Lacaille on September 14, 1751.

NGC 104, better known as 47 Tucanae, is the second largest and second brightest globular cluster in the skies, outshone only by another southern globular, Omega Centauri (NGC 5139).

As its name "47 Tucanae" indicates, this object was first cataloged as a star and numbered the 47th in Tucana. Although a conspicuous naked-eye object, it is situated so much south at its declination of -72 deg, that it was not discovered as a deepsky object before 1751, when Abbe Lacaille cataloged it in his list of southern nebulous objects. Next to observe and catalog it were James Dunlop in 1826, and John Herschel in 1834.

The stars of 47 Tucanae are spread over a volume nearly 120 light years across. At their distance of 13,400 light years, they still cover an area of the sky of about the same apparent diameter as the full moon, about 30 minutes of arc. Globular cluster 47 Tucanae is approaching us at roughly 19 km/s.

It's distance from Earth is 13,400 light years, and its visual brightess is 4.03 (ref.

This image is 1500 x 1168

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