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Harel Boren | all galleries >> Galleries >> International Acknowledgements - APODs and Publications > IC 4628 GUM 56 The Prawn Nebula
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June 26, 2011 Harel Boren

IC 4628 GUM 56 The Prawn Nebula

Kalahari Desert, Namibia

SBIG ST8300M, Astrodon filters: RGB E-Series GenII
LRGB Total 1:55 hours = L 55 min. [11x5 min.] + R,G,B 4x5 min. each
Boren-Simon 2.8-8 CF (Carbon Fiber) OTA -
AP GTO1200 mount, guided w/PHD and EQMOD

South of Antares, in the tail of the nebula-rich constellation Scorpius, lies emission nebula IC 4628. Nearby hot, massive stars, millions of years young, radiate the nebula with invisible ultraviolet light, stripping electrons from atoms. The electrons eventually recombine with the atoms to produce the visible nebular glow. At an estimated distance of 6,000 light-years, the region shown is about 250 light-years across. This object was discovered by E. E. Barnarad., and is also cataloged as Gum 56 for Australian astronomer Colin Stanley Gum, but seafood-loving astronomers know this cosmic cloud as The Prawn Nebula (ref.;

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