Hybrid Image: SBIG ST8300M monochrome Ha, and 24x5 min + SBIG ST8300C color 24x5 min = Total 4:00 hours
Boren-Simon 2.8-8 ED OTA - http://www.powernewts.com - EQ6 mount, guided w/PHD and EQMOD
This image is 1000 pixels wide.
The Leaping Puma's size is approx. 7'30" min.
After stacking the Rosette Nebula's frames, my son Ben (13) and I enjoyed the new image and zoomed in on various areas, and there it was:
The puma that was lurking in the shadows just leaped at our faces...and right then and there, we've given it its name: "The Leaping Puma Nebula"
The Leaping Puma's name was warmly embraced by many astrophotographers.
I'll list some of the links here below, and ask forgiveness from all those lovely images that I have missed: