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Harel Boren | all galleries >> Galleries >> International Acknowledgements - APODs and Publications > NGC 2174 and NGC-2175 The Monkey-Head / New Version (in 1410 pixels)
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Oct. 23, 2009 Harel Boren

NGC 2174 and NGC-2175 The Monkey-Head / New Version (in 1410 pixels)

Km. 101, East Negev Desert, Israel

Canon XSi, modded, Total RGB 65 min. = 13x5 min, ISO 1600
Baader MPCC, Bresser PN 8" OTA at F4, EQ6 mount, guided w/PHD and EQMOD

NGC 2174 is an H II emission nebula located in the
upper portion of Orion - near the Hunter's head and
close to the constellation of Gemini - and is
associated with the open star cluster NGC 2175.
It was discovered in 1877 by Jean Marie Stephan,
and is thought to be located about 6400 light-years
away from earth.

NGC 2174/5 has several apparently detached clusters
formed by hierarchical collapse, and it now envelops
a number of young and bright stars, such as the blue
star in the center of the image. The nebula's glow
results from the excitation of atoms by the intense
visible and ultraviolet radiation from the stars
within - note the dark portion on the bottom side of
the cloud where the glowing gas is being hidden by
a dense cloud of interstellar dust.

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