19-Feb-2012 06:12

:: Places ::
15-Jul-2011 04:18

:: Flowers and Macros ::
08-Jul-2011 04:17

:: Fort Bragg 2011 ::
12-Jun-2009 07:58

:: Bird Shots ::
26-Mar-2009 04:06

:: My Weapons - Guns and Knives and Hammers...Oh My! ::
12-Feb-2009 21:29

:: Our Travels ::
09-Oct-2008 23:46

:: Odd and Ends ::
09-Oct-2008 04:28

:: Cars and Bikes ::
07-Oct-2008 21:36

:: 2008 Chico Rock 'n' Rev Car Show ::
07-Oct-2008 19:32

:: 2008 Anderson Ren Faire ::
30-Sep-2008 19:34

:: 2008 Chico Air Fest ::
02-Jul-2008 21:30

:: The NorCal Fires of 2008 ::