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Franz Bauer's Recent Galleries

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14-Jan-2025 23:33
Charming City Hall in Calais,France
< Charming City Hall in Calais,France >
14-Jan-2025 16:22
Gothic City Hall in Compiègne
< Gothic City Hall in Compiègne >
14-Jan-2025 00:46
Chartres and its Gothic Cathedral
< Chartres and its Gothic Cathedral >
13-Jan-2025 01:05
Orleans by Day,France
< Orleans by Day,France >
12-Jan-2025 23:44
On the Road in Picardy,France
< On the Road in Picardy,France >
12-Jan-2025 22:38
Arras in France
< Arras in France >
11-Jan-2025 23:46
Dunkerque (Dünkirchen) in France
< Dunkerque (Dünkirchen) in France >
10-Jan-2025 00:33
Touch of Winter in Vienna
< Touch of Winter in Vienna >
08-Jan-2025 00:18
Street Art in Vienna
< Street Art in Vienna >