I have always had affection for NYC subways ...other subway systems seem so vanilla in comparison
they have been surprisingly cleaned up & modernized in the past few years, but they still have their edge
thanks, Frank
without the wide aperture, the background would not have been as OOF which is important to the success of this photograph
I did use zone or scale focus and bracketed 3 shots if memory serves me correct, taking this "from the hip"
I use a spirit level on the M8 which helps & I have a pretty good sense of framing in close for this lens without using the viewfinder
03-Feb-2008 05:00
We are not scientists trying to test our cameras. The Leica actually made this shot more difficult by the reduced f stop caused by the low ISO. But this is a picture that I like the best of the street photos here, despite the extreme front focusing (I hope you did not zone focus at f2.4(?). This picure works. It is well-composed and well-cropped and very nicely processed, and most importantly of all, captures a moment with great sensitivity. The wonderful positioning of the legs and the expression on the face capture somone who is truly alone in the crowd, in her own private space. Her sitting on a raised platform reinforces this feeling as does the extreme lack of focus in the background. I bet you had to take 1000 shots to get one like this.
07-Aug-2007 18:28
This is why you paid more than $5000 for the M8? Brilliant image quality indeed! Such as only a Leica can produce!