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Artichoke Vinagrette | all galleries >> Galleries >> my favorites > House of Pies Kirby early January mid afternoon
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House of Pies Kirby early January mid afternoon


just trying out various lenses with this camera
this one seems to perform reasonably well, though the ND graduated filter I had used with it on the S3 with impunity, vignettes with a FF camera
the House of Pies chain started here & besides being known for the excellence of their pies, it was here in 1982 that Rod Canion, Jim Harris and Bill Murto, founders of Compaq Computers, while working as computer engineers for Texas Instruments, sketched out the plans for their first PC

Nikon D3X ,Nikkor 24mm f/2.8D AF
1/200s f/8 iso 100 hyperfocus full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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