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"A Farewell to Arms" - Ernest Hemingway

Milan - Italy

In the summer of 1918 in this building used to hospital American Red Cross,
Ernest Hemingway, wounded side of the river Piave, was accepted and cared.
Here came the true tale of "A Farewell to Arms"

A Farewell to Arms is a semi-autobiographical novel written
by Ernest Hemingway, first published in 1929.
The novel is divided into five books.
In the first book, Henry meets and attempts to seduce Catherine Barkley
and their relationship begins. While on the Italian front,
Henry is wounded in the knee by a mortar shell and sent to a hospital in Milan.

Minolta DiMAGE Z1
1/100s f/3.5 at 15.2mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 10-Nov-2008 14:20
Great entry.
cits_4_pets09-Nov-2008 23:39
Nice documentary!
Cindi Smith09-Nov-2008 23:34
Wow! Perfect!!!!!!!
Guest 09-Nov-2008 21:38
Nice sharp image and perspective.
Maaike Huizer09-Nov-2008 21:35
Well found. Crispy shot. Great, very special writer!