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Antonio Ruggiero | all galleries >> B.L.A.C.K. & W.H.I.T.E - 15 subgalleries >> Things in black&white > Lying & Sitting
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05-MAR-2010 antorug

Lying & Sitting

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3
1/1000s f/4.5 at 5.1mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Mieke WA Minkjan31-Mar-2010 06:43
wonderful street furniture image!
carol j. phipps31-Mar-2010 01:22
Story picture!
Jola Dziubinska30-Mar-2010 23:16
Cool choice, both look comfortable.
Bernard Davis30-Mar-2010 20:04
Its a bit extreme, taking your mattress outside just for a shot.
But I guess it was worth it, looks really well in B&W.
LynnH30-Mar-2010 17:13
Someone's livingroom. How sad. Great find!
Bill Reed30-Mar-2010 12:30
Great find, sort of a sad statement on life in the city. V
Yvonne30-Mar-2010 09:41
You always amaze me with what you find to photograph Antonio! v
borisalex30-Mar-2010 06:05
You are the master of such photos! V.
Guest 30-Mar-2010 01:03
A great find Antonio!! Great capture!!!!
bill friedlander29-Mar-2010 21:47
Great find and beautifully captured. V
Peter Sussex29-Mar-2010 20:19
You can choose, sit or lie:) Great find!
Stephanie29-Mar-2010 19:48
Why is there a mattress on the sidewalk?
patou29-Mar-2010 19:42
Bien vu pour le challenge ( v )