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Antonio Ruggiero | all galleries >> Galleries >> AMERICA is > La Cucaracha" ("The Cockroach") is a traditional Spanish song
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La Cucaracha" ("The Cockroach") is a traditional Spanish song

The cockroach, the cockroach
Can't walk anymore
Because it doesn't have, because it's lacking
Marijuana to smoke

Olympus SP-350
1/30s f/2.8 at 8.0mm iso131 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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wernere0126-Nov-2008 22:42
But they all look quite stoned. This find really makes me laugh.
Cindi Smith26-Nov-2008 15:24
And, what I remember is I learned it in a Church Choir for a tour to Mexico....then I read what you wrote...wonder if they knew marijuana was in the words...LOL!
Cindi Smith26-Nov-2008 15:23
I know that song in Spanish!!!!!!! I love it!
Maaike Huizer26-Nov-2008 11:40
cits_4_pets26-Nov-2008 04:29
Murderer! the reflection.
Jola Dziubinska26-Nov-2008 00:33
LOL cool interpretation