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Antonio Ruggiero | all galleries >> Galleries >> AMERICA is > Pizza Obama
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Pizza Obama

Italian provrb

Nikon D40
1/320s f/9.0 at 30.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dave Hein11-Nov-2008 21:46
There's more to this than meets the casual eye. Very clever!
Jason Anderson08-Nov-2008 01:58
Hey, as long as there's garlic, how bad could it be. Who's Moaba? ;o)
Harrison07-Nov-2008 00:22
Nice photo...scary looking pizza. LOL
Barbara Heide06-Nov-2008 12:35
lol! lol! lol!
Maaike Huizer06-Nov-2008 08:23
:):) Very appropiate
wernere0106-Nov-2008 01:13
LOL, they don´t have this in the supermarket.
Jola Dziubinska06-Nov-2008 00:53
Very artistic pizza, bravo :)
Guest 05-Nov-2008 22:57
Some errrrr... interesting toppings. I use to be a pizza fan LOL. Great job.
cits_4_pets05-Nov-2008 22:46
LOL, I think Obama could make something more look more appetizing than this. For some reason I think there is a hidden meaning, have your dreams melted away? I don't see any anchovies from yesterday on this. Think I'll pass on the pizza and have some pasta tonight.
Mairéad05-Nov-2008 22:35
Think I'll stick with apples.
Very creative shot.