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Sheila | all galleries >> Challenges >> APRIL CHALLENGE 2012 - CONTRASTS > 5. Contrast in cars.
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5. Contrast in cars.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Brenda11-Apr-2012 00:25
Nice! Well seen and captured. Hope you were safe!
J. Scott Coile09-Apr-2012 14:14
Colorful classics.
Susan Leigh09-Apr-2012 10:42
A 'you beaut ute'!!!
Looooove the EJ, my younger brother had a green was my fave, had the nicest rear I thought..much nicer than the 'squared' EH. This is a classic...much sought after in my teenage years ;-))) VVV
Guest 07-Apr-2012 17:05
Very nice color and age contrast! Well done Sheila!
Johnny JAG07-Apr-2012 10:22
The red one's nicer
laine07-Apr-2012 08:08
EJ actually released in 62 and replaced by the EH in 63-65 ( it in my opinion the best of the best )...( notice we Aussies have not mentioned the other one...pretty though it is it's not a HOLDEN :))
Bob White07-Apr-2012 08:01
Great shot of these old cars, the lime green one certainly has the right number plate ...v
Mieke WA Minkjan07-Apr-2012 07:57
a great contrast catch
specially car "nice" , born in 1964,
lou_rozensteins07-Apr-2012 07:56
Colour ande age! Very well done.
Yvonne07-Apr-2012 07:56
They're both rather flash, beautifully restored & cared for... I don't remember cars of that
era having a wrap around back window or the lime green. Its a great shot Sheila, you
were obviously the passenger having a very smooth ride! v
wernere0107-Apr-2012 07:09
I like the colour contrast here, and I want the red one!
shatterbug07-Apr-2012 05:23
I know you did this with two hands on the wheel :-) Not only an interesting contrast in cars, but a great color contrast as well!
Guest 07-Apr-2012 04:23
Beautiful work. V.
Laryl07-Apr-2012 04:22
a great job shooting this while driving :)
Guest 07-Apr-2012 04:21
Well seen, Sheila. Loved our EJ back in '64, but they didn't have it in lime green then!