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Dennis Swayze | profile | all galleries >> Manitoba Peregrines 2006-2022 >> peregrines_2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Welcome to Manitoba Peregrines will be added as they become available.
Family Tree Radisson Hotel Winnipeg
Family Tree McKenzie Seeds Brandon

March 15th. appears to be the return date of the "First" Peregrine to the Radisson Hotel...around 2:30 P.M. when spotted by Pam !
March 17th. confirmed that we now have "TWO" birds in town.
March 19th. confirmed that Jules (the west winnipeg female) is back.
Also confirmed that we have "Three" birds in town. A female that has been ID'd a few day's ago as Sandy(female) from Fargo and we now have a male that is downtown. We can only tell by the band colors that it's a Manitoba Bird (silver on one leg and black on the other)
March 27th. confirmed that Princess is back in town on the Radisson.
April 2nd. confirmed that Ivy is the male at the Radisson.
April 6th. confirmed that Beau has returned to West Winnipeg.
April 12th confirmed that Brooklyn has returned to Brandon.
Radisson Hotel
Radisson Hotel
West Winnipeg
West Winnipeg
High-Tech Peregrines
High-Tech Peregrines