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Linda Vich | all galleries >> Digital Scrapbooking >> Scrapbooking 2007 > It's the Little Things
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Linda Vich

It's the Little Things

Fonts: Saginaw, Cooper, PT script Lightning

Kits: Misty Cato (Blended Collection)

Paper: Misty Cato (Blended Collection)

Elements: flowers (recolored), swirls (recolored) - Misty Cato (Blended Collection); alpha - Jen Van Cauter (Beady Alpha)

Sketch/Inspiration: layered template - Tami (Template 8)

Key words: bird, flowers, cluster frames, layered template

Journaling Reads: Courtney has always been one to rescue animals. The day before she left on her trip to Calgary, our neighbors, found a bird with a hurt wing while they were out on their daily run. Of course, Courtney wanted to help it! She coaxed Curious to take sips of water and looked after him as much as she could until she had to leave the next day, leaving the bird in our care! We kept him in our covered deck, and he sat on a perch alongside a plastic parrot. Bob knew that we would have to give him something to eat or he wouldn’t last long. Bob caught some moths and force fed him but moths weren’t always easy to catch! A bird book told us he was a Bank Swallow. Research on the web told us we could feed him hamburger dipped in water, since he was an insect-eating bird. Every 2 hours, Bob would offer him some burger. Gradually, he became much more alert and would move over towards Bob on the perch when he wanted to be fed and move away when he was full! Bob would put him out on the bird feeder for some company during the day and Curious seemed to like that. It grew stronger and stronger. Just 2 days before Courtney got home, he flew away and we thought that was the last we had seen of him. However, hours later, he flew back but it seemed like his wing was still hurting so we ended up keeping him till Courtney arrived home to see him. He flew off the next day!

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 07-Jan-2008 17:30
What a lovely tale, I hope Curious is well and happy. Thanks for using my beady alpha, From Jen Van-Cauter