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Enrico Martinuzzi | profile | all galleries >> Contrasts, Appearances and Equilibriums >> Dettagli tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


E` la vita fatta di grandi cose o da un incredibile numero di dettagli che si fondono assieme?
Bisognerebbe forse, osservare meglio ed un po' di piu` la nostra vita perche` se guardi bene, da un po' piu` vicino, noterai che niente e` mai del tutto uguale, noterai che niente e` mai poi cosi` banale...
Ma il tempo chi ce l'ha?

Is life made of big things or by an infinite number of tiny details merging all together?
Maybe we should observe better and closer our life because if you just do that, just a little bit closer, you’ll notice nothing is always exactly the same, you’ll notice nothing is ever so trivial…
But who has enough time?

Can't squeeze me more!
Can't squeeze me more!
The guitar
The guitar
The crack in the fence
The crack in the fence
Another raining day
Another raining day
Tightly tied
Tightly tied
Comb's Shadow
Comb's Shadow
Relax in 10 min
Relax in 10 min