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David Hobbs | profile | all galleries >> Sydney Tours >> SydneyorBust 3 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

SydneyorBust 3

Well I am finally off on another adventure. I live in Blackheath, a Blue Mountains town some 112 kilometres west from the
Sydney GPO. Over the years I have driven into Sydney or taken the train but I have grown tired of travelling by such means.

And so at 2:30 pm on Tuesday 4th December 2012, I left my home in Blackheath, basically turned east toward the sea
and began my trek. I have to be realistic of course and so I am actually going to tackle the task in bite sized stages.
Along some of stages I shall be joined by friends but most of the sessions I shall do by myself. In any event I am scheduling time
for this each and every week until I'm done ... depending, of course, on the weather and other things.

Theoretically I will do the trip from my front door to the Sydney GPO in approximately 18-20 sessions. This should get me there by
sometime in April or May. The best part is that much of the trip will be downhill. All pictures include commentary.

The journey so far was documented in the SydneyorBust and SydneyorBust2 galleries. We now take up the task from Toongabblie.

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