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June Daily!

Sugar Pea blossom. Wanna-be Cowgirl! g5/64/603464/3/99442642.fjHtiZDa.jpg
Dragonfly in the Garden. The Indian Flute. Summer Refreshment!
Donnie and his Dad. Chocolate Mint. Journey to an Enchanted Land
g5/64/603464/3/99148081.WxYScnHi.jpg Edna's Garden. Haven.
Madison Fountain. Chocolate Mint. Looking back at Spring!
Magnolia Tree Blossom. Still practicing! g5/64/603464/3/98972852.laXW1wHr.jpg
Blazing Yellow Roses! Expressions of Love! Natures' Communication.
The Road to the Market? They're Green (and wet)! The Road to the Market?
Handmade Paper. The Road to the Market? Handmade Paper.
Together ~ come whatever! Contrasting Sky and River. Gospel Ship?
Eating Out. Dramatic Weather. Recent Weather.
Edna's Summer Garden. Edna's Iris. Circles.
Circles. Circles. Restored photograph.
A Child's Best Friend! Pond Frog. Crystal Rock Polarized.