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Dan Chusid | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trouble In Paradise - Caution! > Military Graffiti
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Military Graffiti

I swear I didn't do it.

Found for the Thursday Trans Global Challenge "Graffiti Or Poster Art"

Other graffiti artists, poster artists or wannabees are here --> press here <--

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/500s f/2.0 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Barry S Moore13-Nov-2007 10:09
Does taking pictures of military installations carry a heavier penalty versus graffiti writing?
Phillip Normanton11-Nov-2007 12:56
Looks like whoever did it was in a bit of a hurry!
Nancy Lobaugh10-Nov-2007 20:00
hmmm.. but how do we know??? What do the security cameras have to say? Good find..
Guest 10-Nov-2007 03:49
Great catch!
Guest 10-Nov-2007 00:10
They still have time to track you down,Dan,so I should plead PBase insanity
Barbara Heide09-Nov-2007 23:32
Dave Hein09-Nov-2007 21:59
That's the tag of the "ATM" gang!
J. Scott Coile09-Nov-2007 18:23
Tag es prohibida ;-)
Norbert Fortelny09-Nov-2007 15:47
To what length some pbasers go for a challenge...
Guest 09-Nov-2007 14:05
Guest 09-Nov-2007 13:47
Hehe. V
JW09-Nov-2007 11:08
Ooooops! Someone is in big trouble!!
Guest 09-Nov-2007 09:56
Well. Does the paint at least hide the "No photos" sign???
Ann...09-Nov-2007 09:26
They were walking the fine line between bravery and foolishness when they did this!!
Maaike Huizer09-Nov-2007 08:29
Great shot. Surprised they let you take this picture.
Dave Wixx09-Nov-2007 04:24
Someone doesn't mind being shot, or they were before it got to makes sense!!
Pic Chick09-Nov-2007 04:20
Ya right. How's that prison food?
Guest 09-Nov-2007 03:56
You swear :-)! Good eye.
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