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Harel Boren | all galleries >> Galleries >> Other Objects > Barnard 169 and Barnard 171 + (new?) Unknown Object / 1600 pixels wide
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June 2-3, 2011 Harel Boren

Barnard 169 and Barnard 171 + (new?) Unknown Object / 1600 pixels wide

Negev Desert, Israel

Negev Desert, Israel
SBIG ST8300M, Astrodon filters: RGB E-Series GenII
LRGB Total 2:50 hours = L 110 min. [22x5 min.] + R,G,B 4x5 min. each
Boren-Simon 2.8-8 CF (Carbon Fiber) OTA -
EQ6 mount, guided w/PHD and EQMOD

The many beautiful dark nebulae in this image were included in Edward Emerson Barnard's (1857 - 1923) great work, the Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions of the Milky Way, which was published at Yerkes Observatory following his death in 1923. From this work, a list of roughly 350 Dark Nebulae, (known as "Barnard Objects") was extracted and cataloged.

Objects 169 and 171 in the list were described as follows:
169: "Elliptical black ring; diam. 1 degree. This encloses an "island" of small stars. The The dark ring is broadest on its east side where its thickness is 22'. The northern part is very black and straight. BD +58 2371 (magnitude 8.5) is in the northeast part of the "island" of stars."
171: "Irregular, broken region; diam. 19'; at the E end of the "island" of small stars."

As for the new object showing in this image

I have finished processing the image on June 11th, and have noticed there's a new object there… It's a 16.5 min. by 1 min. swirling snake of red (mainly) and gray/blue, that resembles a shock wave as visible in other objects – running from east to west, a little to the north of Barnard 171 (you will easily spot it at the top-center part of this image).

After checking all the raw images, including those of the next night out, and all the flats, I am rather convinced this isn't any artifact… However, I have called some colleagues to the task of shooting additional images of the area, with (J2000) coordinates: RA 21 58 53 DEC 58 46 04

I have also sent my report to IAU later that day, with full details.

A 5 min. Red filter, Bin 2x2 image of the area can be seen here:
While the exact (J2000) coordinates of the object are: RA 21-58-53 DEC-58-46-04

Will keep you posted on how this develops.

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